Books Distillery project

 Apostagmata-Sofias | Books Distillery project

I'm always on a treasure hunt when journeying with a character or if i'm strolling in the author's Mind.

I try to find the pearls hidden in books, pearls that radiate meaning.
The kind of meaning that transcends us to the Absolute. To Cores.

I try to find these wordly illustrations of Essences, Life's & Existential, that are usually hidden in walls of context.

While doing so, i note all interesting perspectives or intriguing info about self-life-being .

Enjoy a "fortune cookie"

Choose a book, pick a "page" and scroll to a random line,

Using that line,
Reflect on, introspect with or examine around.

Care to sprinkle some context?
add 2 sentences per trigger-word.

No matter the preferred language
~ all are supported through GoogleTranslate ~

Here's a handy list of the books distilled , so far :

i.  Folds of Truth -Timotheos Kilifis

ii.  Love - Leo Buscaglia

iii. Jonathan Livingston, the Seagull - Richard Bach

iv. Living, loving & learning - Leo Buscaglia

v. Current : the Clown and Anima - Maro Vamvounaki

If you treat yourself with a "fortune cookie",

and wish to share your insight or train of thought,
nudge on Twitter with a tag [@_eself]

Take Care 🌻

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